Tell us about you!

The New Build

Gigs on ships is getting ready to open a new session right now. We are preparing lessons that will cover every imaginable aspect of getting a job on a cruise ship, traveling to and from the gig (an ever increasing challenge), life on board a ship, current trends in the industry, rules and regulations, etc. We’ll have resources, videos, interviews, articles and more. We are preparing webinars and interactive events and bonuses for enrollees to make sure they will have complete knowledge of the market.

You will know before you go! We want you totally prepared.

There are great theaters out there that are a joy to work. Get ready to get your for feet wet. Entertainers with gigs on cruise ships are living dream!


Now is the time.

Tell me your chief concerns. I will adjust the course according to feedback. I plan to hold nothing back, so now is the time for your input.

Embarkation TBA

I’m not quite ready to tell you when we will go live… I have a full calendar and will be cruising northern Europe, Asia and the Med. It can be challenging to stay connected to the internet while at sea, (that will be covered too!) So I want to get most of the content updated and ready to roll before we officially launch.

Just add your requests in the comment section below. (Note: to keep this site SPAM-free all comments are approved by the administrator.)

Good luck & Calm Seas!


156 thoughts on “Tell us about you!

  1. Hey Fred! what a great thing this is! thanks for the undertaking…
    I would def love to hear about the current trends in cruise entertainment. I have a solo act and also sing with a vocal trio. Do we still need 5-7 piece charts? Have they moved to tracks? What style of show is most popular? Obviously, some of this depends on the cruise line and age demographic, but certainly there must be some sort of trend?
    That’s what I’d love to see! Thanks again, Fred, I look forward to reading and learning and getting work! 😉

    • Hi Karen;
      There is no quick answer to this. If there is a trend, it is that the orchestra’s are getting smaller and smaller. Some “niche” cruise lines are still very committed to having musicians, but not all. Some ships have done away with the “show band” altogether. I will interview some people, talk to some industry folks, and get an module together about this topic. Good one!

      • Aren’t we all really just at the mercy of an agent who books cruises, like Bramson in NYC or several of the others that I know of? I mean, you can’t really book jobs on cruises without them, correct?

  2. Hi Fred,

    Thank you for creating this site, I look forward to the progress of it!

    About me, I’m a professional comedian that works clean. I’ve never been on the cruise lines circuit but am trying to get hired to perform on them. I’d love to know how to go about as all my efforts have failed in the past.

    Thank you again for the site!


    Robby Wagner
    Comedian @
    Location: Arizona

    • Hey Robby, I thought of you the other day when I went to Subway… Good stuff!

      Good job working clean… This is will be important in the cruise game.

  3. i am a Comedy Hypnotist X rated and Psychic Entertainer, and would love to one day work cruise ships, so looking forward to this site and the information it will provide

    • Hyp acts are getting work on cruises these days, particularly longer cruises. X-rated may be an issue though, maybe Carnival for late night adult shows… but my guess is that other lines will steer clear of that.

  4. hi, I’m a a magician/mentalist that performs on stage and close-up at private and corporate events all over the states, based in NYC. For the past several years I’ve been a school teacher in the NYC area as well. Thus, I’d like to perform during my time off in the summer and other longer vacations. Additionally, I’m based a mile away from where the ships dock in NYC.

  5. Hi Fred,

    Nice site. Well done.

    I am a magician and I have worked on ships in the Med and Baltic seas. I have had my own headliner show, a mentalist show and have also done close up magic show aboard some ships. Have also worked in many major hotels across the world and in gala dinner theatre shows. At the moment I have my own one going on, called the Chamber of Mysteries in Malta ( )

    I am looking forward to seeing the development of this site, will keep my eye on it.

    Best Regards,

    • Hi Brian,

      I love Malta! The “Chamber” looks awesome. I may be coming your way next year on a cruise (but only during the day).

      • Fred, would be great to meet up. Chamber is only at night though! Still plenty to talk about and share maybe! So looking forward and hope I won’t be elsewhere!

  6. Hello,

    my name is Michael Late and I’m the first LEDERHOSEN magician from Austria.

    I wanted to ask just who is responsible for the purchasing of shows?

    We show them an absolute WORLD FIRST! Something like they have never seen with WARRANTY! Tradition meets MAGIC.

    Great fun for young and old. Entertainment at its FINEST.

    Magical greetings

    Michael Late

    the first Lederhosen Magician

    • Hi Michael.
      The show looks very fun. Cruises have become very international. I bet there is a market for this on ships.

  7. Hi,
    I have a musical duo that tours the country and I’d be interested in performing on cruises, however, due to time constraints, I would not be able to accept 4-6 month contracts. I would like more info on being a guest or “fly on” act with 1-2 week commitments.
    Also, I am a keynote speaker and would like to know about speaking engagements onboard.. as well..
    Thank you!

    • Hi Gayle;
      The “trend” right now is toward fly in jobs. 7-12 days commitment is normal anymore. (Its one of the things that has changed in the industry.)
      Speaking is another matter… Typically every cruise has lecturers that speak on any number of subjects. Often things related to ships, ocean life, or the history of the region being visited. However, this positions are not paid, and often require the lecturer to pay some of their expenses (Travel and tips).
      A headline performer may be able to speak during the day on a sea day as an extra thing. It may increase your value, but frankly, I don’t think that entertainment directors put that much weight into it. They care much more about the show you will do, and the ratings you can pull in.

  8. Hello, Fred and Bobbie! My wife and I are a two-person mentalism act, not unlike the Evasons, and I also do a solo act. All of our material is interactive, so the audience feels “a part of the show”, and we have been thinking about travelling (because it’s mentalism, there’s no props!) for some time – looking forward to hearing more from your expertise!


    • Ciao’ Aziz,
      As stated above, many ships are sailing with a very international clientele these days. That should help you very much!

  9. It used to be that the word Hypnotist scared not only people but Cruise lines. They thought of us a the man in the black suit and bow tie swinging a watch with daggers in the eyes – lol
    the new concept of hypnosis is family fun and in my show i even include non hypnotized kids to be included in some of my routeens . while I have been in the entertainment for over a thousand years lol I keep well ahead in my trends and shows. It is very very hard to get bookings especially as there appears to be only a FEW agents and they all seem to think they control the bookigs. I am listed with i believe a very well respected company in Florida – and was prepared to offer a increased commission to hand over exclusivity for my bookings.
    I do know of one excellent hypnotist who has very regular all round year work with the very top lines.with another USA Agent – our performances would be I feel equally professionally and dedicated to what we do being important. I think a lot of entertainers seem to think they have to be the only people on board cruise ships – and are in many cases Jealous and forgetting that there are hundreds o ships out there and this is not ever going to effect them
    We have now over 60 ships calling in Belfast this year and a massive new 8 million pound terminal being built as our new titanic center is not a place to visit . It always seems odd to me that when an entertainer is living close to a port that companies still will fly them to the other end of the globe to perform and not calculate the situation .
    I wish you every success here and let us hope it is a ‘ door’ to open the cruising experience to entertainers .

  10. Hi I am a singer and performer specializing in Jazz and the music of my Grandfather Bing Crosby. I am interested in performing on cruise lines. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  11. Hi Fred,

    We look forward to learning about working cruise lines. We’ve been performing a family friendly, interactive show with our pet parrots for almost 20 years across the US at theme parks, marine parks, state fairs and at private gigs/corporate events. Been in Las Vegas for the last 4 years doing corporate events and occasionally our own hour long show but feel it’s time for a change. In addition to performing a set show we also offer strolling entertainment, tropical atmosphere and great souvenir photo ops. Would love to try the cruise ship market and find out what issues we would face on board with a group of 6-8 parrots. This page contains links to what we do:

  12. Hello Fred,
    Heard recently about your new website. Your site promises to be very interesting and helpful to those of us who are looking for an opportunity to share our gifts at another level. Thank you for being willing to share your experience and expertise!
    We’re a vocal duo and soloists currently working full-time in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metro. Our shows are highly interactive as you will see from our facebook site at Songster Entertainment. There is also a short video on the first page that pretty much tells our story. We’ve been told repeatedly that we should be “on board” somewhere in the world….and that would be fun. Guess we need some ideas on how to approach the cruise lines. Is hiring an agent advisable? We’re also particularly interested along with Karen from her post on June 24th re: tracks and show bands. Since we are track vocal artists, we are able to do all the genres and have done many themed parties. Are tracks becoming more prevalent and acceptable on board? We anxiously await your “launch!” “LIVE! LAUGH! LOVE! Don & Sharon Hyrkas

  13. Hi Fred,
    Just found your new site, is there an opening fr a motivational speaker. As someone who has turned my life around from living on the streets of London, being to prison, Avignon several visits to hospitals fr treatment for depression, and overcoming alcoholism, (sober 39 years) I have an inspirational story hw I have overcome depression turned my life around and become successful. I hold a Masters NLP Certifcate, teach meditation and goal achieving. This is delivered with humour and a real zest for life.

    Is there an opening on cruise liners for something of this nature?

    Kindest Regards
    Colly Graham

    • Hi Colly;
      Congratulations on your overcoming so much. I am sure your talk is very motivational!

      The short answer is, yes, they do have speakers. However, speakers and lecturers are handled in a much different way than headline entertainment. Typically it isn’t a paid position. Indeed, I believe you are even required to pay something to be on the cruise… expenses of some sort. Some of the outlets in the USA are Sixthstar and Compass Speakers. They are easy to find on the internet. I imagine there are some agencies in the UK as well.

  14. Will love to hear all about the details of working on a cruise line and what is entailed to do so. My husband, Angelo, is a wonderful singer. Sings alone with a CD as backup music. Sings Duprees, Engelbert H., and a few other groups songs. He love to sing and when we are out with other bands we know they always have him come up to sing with them. Maybe this would be something he might be interested in. Would the spouse be able to come along on the cruise too? I hope so. Keep me posted on details. Thanks much. Joy

    • Hi Joy,
      The question of spouses or guests sailing with Guest Entertainers varies greatly from cruise line to cruise line. A rule of thumb is that they can sail with the entertainer (in the same cabin) at a greatly reduced rate. That rate may include port taxes and other hard expenses that the cruise line has, also gratuity charges and such. This can add up to several hundred dollars a cruise. Also, the cruise line doesn’t want to pay for a guest’s airfare to get to the ship either. So factor that in as well. There are exceptions to everything, but that will give you an idea of the majority of policies.

  15. Good day! I could have sworn I’ve visited this blog before but after going through some of the articles I realized it’s new to me. Regardless, I’m certainly happy I discovered it and I’ll be book-marking it and checking back often!

  16. Hi!
    I really appreciate your idea, to help fellow performers get work on cruise ships! Some 15 years ago, I also had a dream of becoming a performer on a cruise ship… I dreamed my dream vividly, while at the same time, I did a lot of research, and i got in touch with many entertainers who were performing at sea…. I listened to their advice, and did my best to implement into my show everything I have heard from them – how to put together a show that would please the passengers, how to make a decent promotional video, how to find an agent, even, how to get in touch with entertainment departments of several cruise lines directly… And finally, after several years of hard work on my act, the magic moment happened, and I got that phone call in the middle of the night, from the Director of Entertainment of one big cruise line. After that, I worked for them for a couple of years, doing 6 contracts in a row on their ships as a headliner.

    Then at one moment, I got offer from an agent working with another cruise line company, so I worked for them as well, also a couple of years in a row as a headliner. I always had the highest rating scores, and the passengers really loved me… As an inboard entertainer, I enjoyed my dream come true to the maximum. I remember that time as the time when I always walked around with a smile.

    I then had to return to my country for some family matters, so I was not able to work for about a year (from the end of 2009 to the end of 2010). At that time, I also had a major problem with my assistant (that I worked with for 6 years), and it also took some time to find a new assistant and teach her the show… Also, at that very same time two other unfortunate things happened – the first cruise line I worked for has changed the owner as well as complete management. When i first worked for them, I got a job offer directly from their Director of Entertainment, and I worked with them without an agent, but then, all of a sudden it happened that I knew no one from their new Entertainment Department any more. Another unfortunate thing was that the Agent, I worked with that got me job on the second cruise line, stopped working with them. So all of a sudden, I could not get through in either of those cruise lines, and I didn’t get many offers from other agents for performing at sea, and most of the offers I got did not contain nearly as good conditions as my 2 great experiences with the cruise lines I worked with.

    Also, since I perform a big illusion show, the fact that I come from a country that is too far from all big ports (I live in Belgrade, Serbia), and that the companies would have to pay a lot of money for my cargo, is also what I think to be one of the key factors why I did not get hired to do cruises for such a long time… The cruise line industry, as I have heard, is also in a bit of a crisis nowadays, so they don’t hire acts with a lot of equipment as easily as they did some 10 years ago… I remember that the first company that I worked for had on one of their ships a magician with 7 white tigers, 2 panthers, several macaws, and the big finale of his show was appearing a Lamborghini on stage… Nowadays you sort of don’t get to see much of acts like that at sea… His show was huge and he brought several tons of equipment. My show is a medium sized illusion show with some 500 kilos of equipment.

    Also, another factor that is not convenient for many artists who used to be headliners, is the fact that more and more cruise lines are striving towards productions and less towards individual guest entertainers. For instance, a friend of mine who works as a stage manager for the RCCL, told me that they have only 2-3 magicians in their huge fleet, and that they perform on small ships only. Even when hiring specialty acts nowadays, more and more cruise lines hire them as a part of Cirque style productions with aerialists, jugglers, Chinese acrobats, etc. These artists are hired to perform their 2 acts of 5 minutes, and are nowadays often recruited from East European countries, Africa and Far East, and are paid several times less from what I used to be paid as a headliner…

    Also, some absurd situations happened to me recently. I got an offer to perform my 10 minute quickchange act for one cruise line. Although the amount money offered was several times smaller than what I used to get before, as a headliner, I decided to take that offer, because I miss the life at sea so much. I was negotiating it with an Agency and production company that exclusively hires all the performers for that cruise line, they loved my act and thought that it would fit nicely at the Cirque style production they had on one of the ships. I was just waiting for the response of the Director of Entertainment, so that I can get the contract, and when he finally responded, my act was rejected “because it contained magic”, and that cruise line has a strict policy of not hiring magicians. Even when i explained to them that quickchange (the kind of act they required) is a branch of Illusionary Art of Magic, i got a reply that it was not… In a meanwhile, all my emails to the new Entertainment Department of the first cruise line I worked for as well as the emails to the Entertainemnt Director of the second cruise line remained without a reply… Even though i used to earn such high scores in both companies…

    Here’s my showreel, most of which contains excerpts from my performances on various ships…

    Dear Fred, as an experienced cruise performer, maybe you could give me a piece of advice – did I go wrong somewhere along the way? And is there anything that you would recommend to me that I can do to start working on ships again….

    Best regards,

    George Diamond

  17. I am a 30 year veteran puppeteer. Originally from Cincinnati Ohio performing marionette/string puppets for families and adults. Each show is set to music with a variety of characters that sing,dance, juggle, fly on trapezes and more. A updated video and pictures to come soon.

  18. Hi,
    This is Alexander Goz from Guatemala.

    I’m looking forward to learn all the material from this site, i wonder how much will you be charging for the lessons/posts/membership/books or i don’t know which metod you will be using.

    The Caribbean is a near to my country so i hope to start here and then, make a name in the industry and escalate to other continents.

    This is one of my goals in life, i hope to archive it successfully thank to you.

    All the best.

    – Goz

  19. I have been an enrichment speaker for Celebrity Cruise line off and on for ten years. My wife and I have loved the experience and appreciated the audiences we have served and the friends we have made on these cruises. The numbers at my programs at the end of the cruise are always bigger than the start for a reason–word of mouth works on ships.
    When the enrichment coordinator changed they said that they were moving in the direction of having enrichment speakers who would speak on multiple cruises in a row to cut the travel cost. That made some sense in terms of the economic situation at the time, but are you finding that cruise lines are signiing up speakers for single cruises. Just know I love the idea of serving on multiple cruise lines. Keep me informed. Your site and this thread of comments is a good start.

  20. I am a comic here in the Dallas market primarily with traveling shows (on land lol). I am searching for the avenue that gets me infront of entertainment people of ships. I’ve been on 10 cruises in my lifetime and has always held a strong desire for the work. My performances are based on clean & adult clean comedy. Is there any avenue you can provide me?

  21. To Fred,

    I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Philip Klipper and I’ve been a Professional Magician entertaining at corporate and private events all over the NY, CT , NJ metro areas performing incredible close-up magic right in front of your eyes. For the past 20 years some of the worlds top corporations have used my marketing and entertaining services. (Please check my web site)
    What’s great about my performance is that I can perform anyplace, and anytime. Moving from one location to another is not a problem because the whole show is in my pockets. This type of low key, intimate
    entertainment is perfect for corporate dinner’s or any event you can think of.

    I would also like to mention my one man dinner show which is designed for 10 to 50 guests and is a command performance which happens at a table which everyone sits around.
    Please go to my web site to get more information on me or give me a call to discuss any questions you may have, and let me put smiles on your guest’s faces.

    Philip Klipper PM (Professional Magician)
    914-692-1818 Office

    PS Please remember I am a full time Professional with thousands of performances under my belt.

  22. Hello Fred,

    Hope you are well – It’s been a few years but I hope you remember me !

    I am a New Orleans Style Banjo Cabaret Act with over 30 years as a Headline Performer on Cruise Ships, Night Clubs, Casinos, Fairs, Festivals, Corporate Events and Nightclubs.

    I have two full 45 Minute Shows (Music / Comedy) orchestrated for up to eight Instruments. Shows can also be performed with backing tracks.

    Currently, I have some availability in the second half of 2014 and I have already begun booking for 2015. These days, the majority of my Cruise work is with Princess, Oceania and Regent Seven Seas particularly on ships in SE Asia
    I am looking for both land based and ship based work. I am an American Citizen (US Passport) currently living inear Bangkok, Thailand .

    For Pics, Bio, Videos, Show Lists and complete performance credits, visit my website at For contact, email is best:

    • Hi Jim,
      Of COURSE I remember you! You are one of my all time favorite instrumental performers! I hope to see you out there soon.
      PS: I’ve been working with Paul Pappas a lot. He really turned into a fantastic Guest Entertainer!

  23. Hi we are Igor and Katya, we acrobatic couple, duo Light in the Night we are interested to work on cruise ships, We work Silk , Hand-balance,Quick-change , Aerial hoop , Adagio, Cube , funny acts, Human slinky! And no stop show 45 min.
    We have a seaman’s book!


    SILK -

    Aerial hoop-

    Hand Balance-

    Hand-Balance –


    Adagio –

    funny ballerina-


    is a good web site, will definitely follow the news on it !
    I would appreciate any information on employers on cruise ships!


  24. Info

    CELL +2778 319 3716

    I am originally from Manchester, UK toured with many bands to Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Sweden and Norway. I came to South Africa in 1986 and played in various stage shows and theatres. In 2006 took my trio to theHilton Hotel Shanghai (6 month contract) then Phuket Thailand and on my return played at Djibouti Palace Kempinski, Republic of Djibouti; then performed at the Emirates palace Abu Dhabi and after Ramadan and then went back to the Djibouti Palace. I have has just finished a 5 month contract with atIntercontinental Regency Bahrain; With a jazz band opened their new Down Town Show Bar.and more recently a 6 month contract at the DANAT resort in AL AIN.
    thank you

  25. Hello! I am one third of California based juggling troupe Mountain Motion. We have been working our way up the performance ladder, and looking toward cruise ships as an ideal market for our style of entertainment. We perform and continue to develop a few different shows that would fit into the cruise ship model. Some of our acts are interactive with the audience, some are big spectacular stunts, others are comedic or artistic displays performed to recorded music.

    We look forward to learning more about booking gigs on ships.

  26. I do super clean and award winning family magic. I have several years of the theme park experience and the “daily grind” under my belt. I currently do about 300 family shows a year. Although I’m still waiting for my youngest to turn 16 (so I feel good about letting him and mom go it alone for spells), I really want to start crafting and preparing myself to sell a show to cruise lines. I know you’ll cover lot’s, but will you also be priming us for the agents and booking elements of the audition. Plus will you truthfully share how much of an “insiders” games it might actually be?

    • Hi Chad, Thanks for your questions. I think Gigs on Ships was written for entertainers just like you. You have already honed your show, you have the chops, and you can now set your sights on this new market.

      Yes, I spend a GREAT deal of time instructing you on how to build your promo, how to get attention and break in to the market. I can honestly say I have held nothing back at all. I lay my entire business bare for you to see. AND if I do miss something, I have set up a private website (The Crew Bar) so that we can interact and make sure you get the answers you need.

      Agents and Buyers are always looking for new acts, but once an act is already working ships and getting great ratings they will have an easier time getting rebooked. But I wouldn’t call it an insiders game really. The door isn’t shut by any means and as a matter of fact I work with new acts all the time on their first or second cruise. If you are a solid act and have great promotional material, the ability to socialize and get along well with passengers taking our course should give you everything you need to land a gig.

  27. Hi Fred
    So happy to hear about your upcoming course. I have been lucky enough to have been performing professionally since 1973 in over 40 countries. Primarily my work is Corporate and Casinos. I have performed a few times on cruise ships but only in the capacity as a private show for a corporation i.e. Ford, HP, etc. one night show.

    If, no make that, when I am booked to perform on a ship what are the first things you have to do so you don’t look like a total “NEWBY” when you first arrive. i.e. Where do you report to (crew entrance, front desk?), who do you see first?, What will they need (photos, bios, a handshake?). When and how are you paid (a cheque sent to bank, or do you pick it up at a finance window?).

    Basically I would love to see an IN DEPTH walk through the steps from the moment you get a call for a gig to the first show 🙂 filled with all the details that went even beyond your great book.

    • Hi Brian;
      I am excited as GOS was written for people just like you!
      And I do indeed take you on an in-depth walk through of all the things you just mentioned. I even strapped a GoPro to myself and take you with me (via video) on an entire contract from beginning to end. I figured this was the best way to “show you” what it is like, to give you a sense of having lived the experience. Then my wife and I sit down and dissect the entire process for you.
      Wow, I think you are going love GOS.

  28. KILIFI AFRICAN ACROBATS IS A NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION comprises of several groups of well organized and talented 5-12 members individual groups that perform together. Their talent include incredible feats such as gymnastics,double rope jumping, juggling acts, Limbo, chairs balancing,tight ring , contortionist,double poles and human pyramids. The groups features Kenyan Acrobats with vast experience and have performed in many forums including schools, parks, circuses i.e Afrika-Afrika zirkus,Rajmahal Circus, theme parks such as Yamay in Taiwan, and even at Tourist Hotels and resorts.
    Secret to our success!!
    We have brought together the most experienced African Acrobats currently in North Coast of KENYA in Kilifi District, 30 to 40 min drive from Mombasa City! Africa circus performers non profit organization can work anywhere around the world. Our talent are proven performers and have perfected their act. If you get the privilege of watching our performers in action, you will be sure to get interested at the blend between African traditional acrobats and western-style arts and circus skill that they have acquired and perfected over the years and which are done in a purely African way. Our shows are high energetic acts, geared to entertain, fast paced to keep you on your feet and full of acrobatic ingenuity. People who have had the opportunity to watch our groups still come for more.
    You Should be interested!!
    Why???This is an experience you don’t want to miss out. It is new, it is exciting and above all, it is affordable for small organizations, schools, non-profit organizations, fairs and festivals. It is a show that is suitable for all ages and can be performed in all manner of venues.Our performers are ready to entertain you to the bottom of your heart’s content. Don’t miss the next show in your area and get a chance to enjoy an incredible african acrobats act.
    In store for the future!
    This is only the beginning. At Kilifi african acrobats, we are truly committed to finding the best talent from Africa and committing that talent to providing fun and excitement to your crowd. Whether acrobatic shows, music or other culturally unique performances, we are committed to bringing to the world stage, the best from Africa in all categories. If they have talent, we will make sure they showcase their talent before an audience.Stay tuned for new ideas. Visit our page in facebook often to stay informed.

  29. Hi Fred,
    My wife Cecile and I (Mighty) have been performing around Asia and some parts of the Middle East and had a few cruise ship contracts in between. At the moment, we decided to stay in Los Angeles but still has that urge to travel and see the world while performing. We combine live singing , magic and illusion with Acrobatic Act and Sword Swallowing and a touch of comedy magic that can fit children shows and Corporate events as well. We would like to learn the new trends in the cruise ship industry and maybe come across some 7-12 days contract down the line. You did a great thing starting this web. More power to you !

    Cecile and Mighty

  30. Dear Fred

    Great what you are doing here. I am very new to performing (2012), and at the tender age of 53 – I am a singer.

    In the last two years have been honoured to perform on stage with the Old Vic, The Theatre Royal Drury Lane, and my first cabaret at the beautiful Le Crazy Coqs cabaret room near Piccadilly Circus in London, at the invitation of, Ruth Leon

    Gary Williams, who seems permanently booked on cruises and even has 2015 booked fully, has been wonderfully supportive too.

    I have already put together three sets of 40 minutes shows, and I’d like to have a perspective from the other side of the pond, regarding things I could do now to get noticed. I have been an avid cruise traveller, and have enjoyed many shows, but it is always different from the other side of the stage.

    Take care and kindest regards


  31. Hello Fred , great idea for a site , i’ve been working cruiseship gigs for over 15years , let me know how i can help ! With past contracts on Celebrity , Princess , NCL & Celebration as a Bandleader , Guitar-Vocal-Soloist , Duo-Trio ~ I’ve always enjoyed my time at sea and meeting fellow entertainers and guests from ALL over the world .

    continued success ,


    Michael Ward
    jacksonville , fl

  32. Dear Fred

    I am Janos Olah a violinist .

    With my musicians we play colourful, varied, international virtuoso music at high standards.

    We would like to delight all the guests in many countries
    – and the in your country well.

    Our special performance of European music
    everywhere has great success.

    We can amaze the quests at any part of the world with the magic of live music.

    I’m waiting for the opportunity to introduce my orchestra and the magic of its carefully selected high-quality repertoire of live music to the public in several places in the world ,

    I have send you the musical material.

    Please click on the links and listen to their musics.

    (The line-up of the orchestra is flexible – Duo, Trio, Quartet, Quintet or any other line-up is available on request.)

    Don’t hesitate to contact us with individual requests either.

    Please inform me about the possibilities you can offer for us in the near future.

    We hope we can work together.

    We are looking forward to your reply,

    Best regards
    Janos Olah – violinist


  33. Hello
    Greetings , Madam, or Sir, Billie Casim is My Name I’m From Ghana – But I Based in Germany,

    I’m The Leader of African Brothers Acrobatics Act , it Was a Great Pleasure Sending You This Kindly Email,

    I Have Group of 1 solo to 2 Persons Which we Perform all Kinds of African Act , I am Looking for New Contract That’s Leads Me to Contact You if You Will Need Such a Great act for Your Next Coming Shows This Season or 2015,

    Our Presentation Below:

    Limbo Dance

    Rolling Dish Pan

    fire Eating

    Hat Juggling

    Human Pyramids

    Chair Act

    Balancing Show And etc We Teach and Run a Workshops for Kids , We Dance Make Drumming for African Rhythms ..We Take Part in Any Type of Modern Shows Theaters Shows and Gala Shows , Variety …Solo act With Theater Artiste-team , Amusements Parks , Street Shows , and Demonstration’s , organization’s and etc, We all Based in Europe and We are Ready to Travel to Any EU State , have taken part in various big platforms events in the past. So we have classy performance that has a world-class performance.We can also perform an ware in the world on request.

    Our fees are competitive and reasonable for professional events shows while for invited social events we subsidize based on accommodation and transportation and general upkeep thanks .
    looking forward to hear from you soon.

    Kinds Regards
    Billie Eliasu

  34. Hello,we are African acrobats troupe from Kenya and we are looking for a new contract for season 2015 and we are performing human pyramid,rope skipping with various style,hoop diving,tumblings,chairs balancing,drumming,limbo dance,spinning web and Chinese pole act and I will be glad if you can offer us a contract.

  35. we worked as a duo starting on Premier in 1998 … contract we had a band and our drummer went on to entertain as a guitar single. He just got off the Oasis of the Seas……… Trublu 2 the duo ……… we are learning current dance songs ….. Maroon 5, Bruno Mars, Daft Punk, Darius Rucker. Our video is ok …. we would be perfect for an older group of people.

    • Hey Jeff, I worked on Premier back in the 90s too! Good times. Your set list sounds good.
      Video is definitely the key to getting hired.

  36. Hi Fred
    I am a comedy hypnotist. I’ve been doing shows for about 15 years. I do mainly corporate shows and schools, I’ve done comedy clubs and theaters. I want to break into the cruise market, but don’t know how. Are you going to cover pay scales and lengths of contracts? I am very interested in your project.

    • Hi Clyde;
      It sounds like you have all the assets to smoothly transition into cruises!
      Yes, we cover pay and contracts quite extensively inside the course. There is a lot to say about both. Next week I’ll email you a mp3 where I talk about both subjects. It should answer some of your questions, so look for that. Its free. (Gigs on Ships the course has a lot more detail though)
      Also, Hyp acts tend to do better with BRS than most other entertainers. You can make a lot of money with the captive audience on a cruise ship!

  37. I am a illusionist and I’m hoping to get more exposure and try and make a living at my craft I do close up and parlor and stage venues …is there any real money performing on these cruises because I have real bills ?and I desperately want to give this a go full time

    • Hi Roger; This information was created with someone like you in mind. And yes, there is real money. You can make low 6 figures and still have an amazing amount of time off. Sound good?

  38. Hello, I’m Jason, hypnotist and host of the Virtual Reality Hypnosis Show.
    My performances are customized to clients needs, unscripted and very interactive, involving everyone. I’ve had the pleasure of learning from some of the best in the industry (Jerry Valley, Tommy Vee, John Cerbone, Ricky Kalmon) and I take pride in giving my own twist in the industry. I’m eager to pack my schedule with more shows, and what better way then on cruise lines!

  39. Thanks for your willingness to share your knowledge with other entertainers. I am a Comedy Hypnotist , Magician and Motivational Speaker. All of my hypnosis and magic shows are family friendly, although I also have an adult hypnosis show that is not too over the top if that is requested. I can follow the shows the next day with motivational presentations containing hypnosis or Magic and I have presentations for both adults and kids, such as “Unleash the Power of Success” and “The Magic of Success”. The first is for adults and children and teaches how to set goals and visualize them using hypnosis and the Magic of Success is part magic, part inspiration and part motivation,and teaches strategies for success, again for both adults and children.
    I am very interested to learn how to get booked providing combo packages, a show and a seminar the following day.
    Again, thanks for your willingness to share. That is the mark of a true professional.

  40. Hello, I have been working on ships for the past 8 years. I enjoy a week at sea every couple of months. My wife and I teach painting, as part of the enrichment programs. Since my agent retired, I am seeking a new agent. I have done ” n illustrated lecture on Magic” for Costa Cruise lines. I do perform magic shows but I am NOT a grand illusionist. I work out of a brief case. I am not looking for long term sailings. One or two weeks, maybe four weeks. I am 75 years old and still performing.

  41. Hello Fred,

    I am a full time entertainer in Mexico, Riviera Maya in hotels from Cancun to Tulum. I have 3-4 gigs a week. My act is stand-up comedy magic which works for 300-400 people. My question is to work on cruise ships do I need illusions. I am not using giant props almost I am doing my show from my suit jacket and ell the tricks are based on lot of fun and audience participation. What can you recommend where to start if I want to work on ships? Or is this kind of act good enough on cruise ships or they are looking for illusions?

    Thanks for your time,


    • Hi Pat;
      No, you do NOT need illusions. In fact I’ve got 5 contracts in the next two months and I am doing strictly comedy magic out of a suitcase. If you are good at that, then yes, you can be in demand!

  42. Fred,
    Very interested in working steady on the Cruise Ships. I have performed on 3 different cruise lines but always for private conventions. So, I interested in hearing about how to get hired. Thanks for putting this together.

  43. Hi,

    I am a full time close-up magic that specializes in strolling magic. I do on occasion (approx 40-60 shows /year) perform a stage set for corporate events.

    My real talent is using my magic and personality to entertain and build a connection with my audience.

    Is there much work for strolling magic on the cruise lines? Or smaller shows?

    Thank you,


    • Hey Mike,
      There are a few people doing well with Close-up on cruises. But I’d say it is a niche. Its a bit harder to get that booking. But it does happen.

  44. I am a magician from New Jersey. I have been performing for over 20 years with a parlor show that toured through Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. I also perform close up but being on stage and making people laugh is were I like to live.



  45. I am looking at this option for my teenage so. He is an accomplished magician and has been a member of The Magicians Ring #105 in Columbia, SC since he was 10 years old. He has performed in several stage acts. I am looking for summer work for him. He has awed many people with his talent. I have seen where his talents have encouraged other young people.

  46. Looking forward to your content. Based in Las Vegas, Comedy Stage Hypnosis Show and author of worldwide selling book Branding Your Character. Thanks, Ken

  47. Hi Fred, love the site and what you are doing to help others. I am a corporate clean Comedy Impressionist with many TV and concert credits. I also do a duo act called “The Fabulous Vegas Guys”. Both acts are pulled right off a Las Vegas stage with comedy, impressions and singing. Our main demo is really 40 and over although we touch upon some of the more contemporary celebs, our main wheelhouse is Elvis, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Robert DeNiro, Stallone, Arnold, Clint, et al. Look forward to seeing what we can learn from you. I’m also a US Navy veteran, so I love the water. Continued success. Fair winds and following seas….

  48. Hi Fred and Bobbie,
    My wife and I have been binge watching your videos in preparation for the webinar with Barry tomorrow (2/17). We have a comedy hypnosis act and are excited about performing on different cruise lines and seeing the world. We are empty nesters (except for our two fur babies) and now is the time for us to get out there. We are really interested in finding out how to get selected for the GOS mentorship / master class that you offer. As we go through each of your videos we take notes and act on your suggestions. For example we have evaluated our show against the 12 dramatic elements and feel our show is cruise ship ready.
    We are really looking forward to learning how to market ourselves and leverage all the information you can provide.

    ~Jack and Dena Hirsh

  49. Hello Everyone – great videos so far!! My name is Chad Orr and my brother Jeff and I are “Telepathic Comedians” – TWO BROTHERS ONE MIND!! We typically perform at Universities, Casinos, Resorts, Comedy Clubs and for Corporate & Television Audiences!! Not to mention, we’re the “First & Only Mentalists to Ever Transmit a Random Thought Across the Las Vegas Strip!!”

    Here is a quick sample of what we do. Check it out and tell us what you think!!

    Performing on Fox6 WakeUp News in Milwaukee, WI:

    Have a Great Day!!
    Jeff & Chad Orr

  50. Hi Fred
    This is a great site and hopefully help newbies to the industry like me. I live in New Zealand have done an album with top NZ jazz players 2012. I’ve been working as a professional vocalist mainly developing my jazz craft but I work as a solo act dressing in vintage outfits and microphone, and use pro backing tracks. I have over 300 songs that cover electro swing, soul, pop, abba, funk, latin, blues, and tribute show Eva Cassidy (on going) songs from 50s, – 2015, All charts on IPads for myself and guitarist. People love the outfits and songs and it always goes down well but unsure if this package would be suitable for cruise ships. Is there any trends in this direction or am I wasting my time. Appreciate any advice. Thanks Fred
    Kind regards Barb

    • Hi Barb. Its great to have you on board! We will be sending you reports every month, and then (likely) in August we will post up our educational videos. I’ll send you an email when those crank up.

  51. Hello!
    Thank you so much for this site! Im a singer, here in Cambodia with my band for more than a year now. I’ve been dreaming of a cruiseship gig with my bandmates. Looking forward to hearing advices from you guys on how can we get gigs on cruiseships.

  52. Would like the artist I represent to work on the cruise lines. It seems so difficult to get a major player to book my artist. Once everyone that has booked him they have booked him again and again. He sings all genres of music for all ages, has audience participation. How does one get booked on the cruises, do have to go through the cruise ships,? get a agent that represents cruises only? How is this done. How long does it take. Thank you for your help

    • These are good questions: The good answers are more than one or two sentences long. We will go deep into this in a few weeks. Watch for it!

  53. Hello!
    I’m an aerialist. I perform aerial silks solo and duo acts, Spanish Webb, some body balancing and some Lyra. I would like to work on a cruise ship. It’s a lot harder than I thought to even get ahold of anyone to audition or submit myself! I didn’t think it would be this difficult. I’m always learning and trying to improve myself and my skills. Here is a link to my aerial silks audition video which includes an aerial silks routine, chin ups, splits, and climbing without feet.
    I hope you guys can help me and point me in the right direction!

    • Welcome Pete & Chris; stay tuned there will be an tidal wave of information headed your way over the next month. Enjoy the ride!

  54. Hi Fred,

    Myself and friend and colleague Paul have been in magic for about 50 years combined, and we are putting our experience and talents together to form a double act. Cruise ships could be just perfect for us – I am looking forward to learning all about it from you and Bobbie. I saw your lecture at It Factor Live and you both talked a lot of sense.

    We are keeping a video diary as we work on our double act, so please feel free to follow along. We have 3 episodes up so far.

    All the best,
    Pip Kennedy

    • Awesome Pip! Duo acts have a great energy and can create a dynamic that others can’t. Sounds great! I look forward to your videos.

  55. I’m a father of 1 and have a beautiful girlfriend. I am also mainly a close-up magician. I have not really got to see the world because I have mainly done birthday parties but I would love the chance to.

  56. Hi Ya Fred,
    I’m a balloon artist and a magician. been working on creating a new show combining Magic, Balloons and Fine Art. We are (my wife & I) are gearing up to becoming empty nesters as both our children are now adults (err Sort of?!)

    • Hi Mark. I was just talking about you two weeks ago. There was a young guy on the ship very interested in magic. He is in the Tampa area. I told him to look you and the club up. It’s one of the best in the country! Good to reconnect with you!

  57. Interesting information. I am Comedy Stage Hypnotist and a Hypnotherapist. Thought it would be fun to work the cruise line as My wife and I cruise often.

    Hypnotist Bruce Taylor

  58. Hello Fred & Bobbie!

    Family oriented cruise line gigs sound perfect for me! I have 40 years experience as a children’s entertainer and 25 years teaching circus skills (magic, juggling, balloon twisting, etc) at a local circus school. I have a very funny 45 minute show for families and children which includes magic, puppetry, a bit of juggling and of course lots of interaction and comedy.

    After watching your interview with Barry Friedman I’m inspired to make this happen. First order of business is to update my video. I’m contacting local theaters to arrange a venue for a series of shows to be recorded so I have raw footage for the editing. Your advice to start off with the biggest “wow” in the show was very helpful.

    Looking forward to a bright future and a great new chapter in my career. My goal is to have the video ready by the time your workshops take place in 2016… please keep me updated on your class schedule.


    Greg McMahan

    • Okay Greg, you are on the mailing list. FYI, you may want to take the course BEFORE investing in your video… That way you get all our instruction on how to do it right from the beginning.

  59. What a great idea, to help other entertainers learn how to break into this market! Your knowledge will prove to be invaluable.

    My husband and I have established ourselves over the last 10 years as one of the elite musical entertainment shows in the senior market, primarily, in the Greater Chicago area. We perform an average of 20 shows a month. The goal is to move into a more lucrative and adventurous market. We are very excited to take our business to the next level and share our talent with the world!

    See you on the lido deck!

    Janice & Samuel Lozada
    Mo’ Beat Blues Entertainment
    Portage, IN
    Let’s get LinkedIn

  60. Hi Fred, I’m a male guitarist/singer/bandleader and work with a young, female guitarist/vocalist. We do pop/rock (80/20 covers/originals). No cruise experience. I have a few questions for you:
    1.) We sometimes like to use backing tracks (drums/bass/kbds) to enhance our act. Does the cruise audience warm to this or is it better to go totally “live”?
    2.) 1x 45 minutes sounds like a really sweet gig! Is that all you’re required to play for an entire evening? I thought 4×45 min. was typical. I also heard they may want you to perform day and evening, true?
    3.) Do entertainers get their own room when starting out?
    thanks, Rick

  61. Hey Fred,

    You and I have a mutual friend and he told me about you and the program the other day. It confirmed what I was already thinking as I found your website a week prior.

    I am a comedy stage hypnotist with a full time running show in Gatlinbirg Tennessee and my own theater in Helen Georgia.

    I would love the opportunity to chat with you!

    Hypnotically yours..


  62. Hi,
    A little background on myself. First I was a licensed private detective for 26 year and have over 35 years experience in hunting people (no, I did not get to shot them). But after dealing with attorneys and low lifes (no I don’t think all attorneys are low lifes) I decided I needed to make a positive change. I was certified as a hypnotist/hypnotherapist by two organizations. Hypnosis was something I studied all my life and it seem to be the obvious choice for a new vocation. At the same time I was doing on-air live television as a product demonstrator on a major cable shopping network (13 years). So the next obvious ego step was to do comedy hypnosis shows. I still do therapeutic hypnosis, but really enjoyed doing the stage hypnosis. I have tweaked and fined tuned my show that it entertaining and amazingly enlightening to all audiences. A truly fun experience that will be remembered.
    Thank you for the chance to talk a little.
    Roger Willard

  63. Hi Fred and Bobbie,
    First off, thanks for providing this resource for entertainers. Many years ago I performed as a full time magician. I attended the Chavez School of Magic in Michigan, competed and won several magic contests performing a manipulation act with doves and one assistant. Our show included several larger illusions and comedy. Our gigs consisted primarily of company parties, trade shows, and the like. I remained busy for nearly 20 years BC (before children). Once we had children, I used my Biology degree to get a job as a science teacher, performing shows whenever I could. My children are now grown and out of college, I am able to retire and I would like to perform full-time again. I feel that I have a lot to offer, and still have many productive years ahead. I’m eager to hit the stage.
    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  64. Hello!! I am a comedy hypnotist/mentalist. I work clean (unless otherwise requested by the client.) I was a radio personality for the past 27 years while performing my live shows throughout North America, on the side, for the past 9 years. I’ve performed for almost every type of audience you can imagine from corporate events to the Vegas strip (Saxe Theater, Planet Hollywood).

    “Corporate restructuring” took me off the air this past August so I am now focusing on going full time with my live act. I have made attempts to find my way into the cruise line market, but have come up short thus far.

    Looking forward to hearing the information you have to share!

  65. Hi guys,

    i make a living as a performing magician for about 8 years. i am just comming back from a 1,5 years trip through the world, where i also performed in resorts. i now i look for different new venues to perform. i formost sell my close-up magic or the close-up show, but my stage show is just about to get an overhaul to better fit my visions … basicly fine tuning and perfecting.

    i will use the next year to prepear for that step into the cruise ship market.

    your help would be most welcome …

  66. I think I might be a little unique to this forum, as I am a professional balloon artist/twister. My creations can be worn on fingers, carried by kids or donned as hats! Adults and children alike are impressed by what I can create out of balloons! I’ve been on local television a few times and found myself inv the Today Show once! I’ve also been fortunate enough to work with a few celebrities on private and charity gigs. I’m not sure if this is a site that can help me out, but I’d love to try!

  67. Greetings. I just heard about you in MUM Magazine. I’ve been a balloon twister for 5 years, and I’m interested in the possibility of working on a ship someday, so I’m doing my homework so to speak. Have a nice day!

  68. Hi Fred,
    Don L Warren here, “The Cowboy Hypnotist”.
    I am a West Texas Cowboy and a Comedy Stage Show Hypnotist. aka The Cowboy Hypnotist. I have been performing comedy hypnosis for 4 years now. I have a deep Texas drawl that ain’t fake, and friendly Texas personality. People from all over the world are very interested in anything Texan and I’m as Texan as they come. So, look me up and check me. I’m ready to begin a new career on cruises or at resort hotels. Thanks.

  69. Hello,
    My name is Blake Adams and I have been performing for 10 years, only 2 years full time. I am a mentalist. I have been wanting to break into the cruise ship market for a long time and just don’t know where to start

    • Hi Blake. Thanks for signing in, we will send you a series of 4 videos that should help you get started. Also, we will run a Webinar with even more information. Just make sure our email address is cleared through your SPAM filter. Unfortunately some people miss the information because Gmail filters are too strong.

  70. Hello there!

    I am happy to have stumbled upon your website! Thank you so very much for putting this together! 🙂

    I am a professionally trained Classical Crossover Singer. I specialize in the fusion of various styles including Classical, Jazz and Pop. I offer a unique variety and interactive show which has had great success worldwide!

    I have long been interested in auditioning for Cruise Ships but truthfully I have no idea how to even start the process! Even the websites are confusing and I am still not sure if they are looking for musicians like myself.

    Any information that you can give me on this particular subject would be very much appreciated!

    Thank you in advance.

    Warm regards from Germany!

  71. Hi. Hey, this is a very ‘warm’ site. Feels very friendly. Great job making your fellow entertainers feel welcome. 🙂

    My name is Mat Gauthier. I am a singing impressionist. I have been performing corporately for around 12 years now and am still going strong. My show is very family-friendly. If you have seen André-Philippe Gagnon or the late Danny Gans – that is usually who I am compared to. Although, the majority of my material are songs that I have parodied, yet still sing in the voice of the artist.

    This is a link to my latest promo. If you have a moment check it out.

    I look forward to any help you can give me to ‘come aboard’. 🙂

    Thanks Fred and Bobbie, keep making them smile!

    Mat Gauthier

    • Hi Mat;
      You have a very impressive talent. I have no doubt you will be very well liked on the ships. Watch your email box!

  72. Hello Robin Cahill

    I am Pravar, dance director and choreographer and am working in Bollywood industry from last 12 years. I’ve done numerous shows with all Bollywood artists.I am Director /Choreographer of Ticket to Bollywood.
    on the ground of Ticket to Bollywood i had creat Beats Of Bollywood

    Beats Bollywood is a spectacular 90 min production which brings to life the glitz and glamour of Bollywood song and dance. Presented in three distinctly defined segments this 24-member production (16 dancers, 9 crew) the production can also be formatted to shorter durations of 30, 45 and 60 min.
    We are keen to extend our tour and to explore the possibility of collaborating with your company. We would like to understand if your interest lies in Beats of Bollywood
    Looking for 6 months /1 year contract on cruise ships or in hotels
    Duration of show is 45min
    All shows as per the years: Ticket to Bollywood

    1.60th Republic celebration of india in Sri Lanka 2008
    2. Deewali festival in Deewali nagar,trinidad in 2009
    3.shanghai world expo in 2010
    4.festival of india in Washington in 2011
    5. Sapporo,snow fest Japan in 2012
    6.France,Germany,Greece,Turkey and Russian ,2013
    7.Turkey,Antalya for 6 months from May to October ,2014
    8.Maldives,from 21st to 25th jan,2015
    9.Edinburg,Scotland n Uk in Aug 2015
    10.Seychelles in Oct 2015
    11.F1 Grand Prix Bahrain in April 2016

    You can call me on +91 9833628535
    or mail me on or
    Best regards

    Attached for your kind perusal is the Overview of Beats Of Bollywood will look like

    Here is a link

  73. Hi I have been trying for a few years to get on a cruise ship as a guest entertainer. I know that I am a dynamic entertainer that does things slightly different than what other people have done in the past. I am a Graceland Approved Elvis Tribute Artist. Now before you say “Oh it’s another impersonator”, I promise what you are about to see will make you say “That man is committing adultery to his cardio system.” All I ever had wanted was a chance because I know that people will fall in love with what I do. It makes me so mad when I see people with average talent get booked and I am still trying to get gigs. Please watch for yourself this concert I did at a casino. Thank you. I hope to hear from you.

  74. My name is Veronica Joyce Ncube and I am a trained Opera and Classical music singer and I also write my own music. I wrote six tracks and recorded them in 2006 and I never released them. I am a high soprano and I enjoy singing high notes, even though I graduated in Opera school I don’t read music because I have a sleeping problem that’s why I never attended theory morning lectures. But the professors decided that I can graduate because of my singing. I have been suffering from sleepless nights since I lost the father of my son and later on I lost my son too and that didn’t help much. I take my music very serious, because it’s all I have and I take comfort in it.

  75. My name is Susan Hudson Carman. I’m a entertainer singer. I have been on Hee Haw the national television show. I opened shows in the late 60’s early 70’s for Jerry Lee Lewis, Charlie Rich and was in the Movie the Silver Fox in Concert. I’ve played the Grand Ole Opry Stage . I travel now doing a one person show siging Country, 50 an 60’s rock and roll ,Gospel and Comedy. Would love to do cruise ships my husband travels with me. And helps with my equipment.

  76. Hi Fred,
    I was so sad to miss your last round of videos. I sat down to watch them all together after being on the road for a long stretch and they were already closed. Looking forward to the next round.

    I’m a clean (some innuendo but nothing crass) stand up comedian looking to expand my audience base. I have a little bit of an irrational fear of cruise ships (not performing on them, but being on them in big swells or rough water) but I’m hoping after listening to your videos I’ll have a better understanding of what to expect.


  77. Hi,My name is Brent McLeod
    Now living back in New Zealand after many years based in Europe. I incorporate an interactive show of magical entertainment to suit stage / cabaret & private functions, involving music / mystery, audience interaction & lots of comedy. I work mainly the corporate market all over the country at company functions and conferences to various audiences and events, so have a good understanding of presenting a show for an older audience expecting to have fun. I am really looking forward to learning from the Beckers GOS course, a bit more about the fabulous cruise ship industry which seems a logical step with the type of comedy and visual show I present. I have been in contact locally already with fellow performers who already work the cruisehips for an insight which is incredible.

    I have been performing Professionally about 18 yrs having performed many times on TV, performed in hundreds of festivals & theatre shows, as well as performed many cabaret shows at functions throughout NZ, ,venues as far a field as functions in London, ferrys in Greece to hotels in Fiji & Japan.

    Looking forward to the insights from everybody doing the coursesabout downsizing a professional act to travel even more if possible,being a easy going performer I realise the importance of mixing with crew,cast and guests in a professional manner as well as the hazards of the industry in general but above all you must have a good audience tested show so keen to take any advice and tips. Thank you so much

  78. Hi Fred,

    GOS sounds like it will be very helpful for us. My wife and I are the Loveless Duo and we perform to tracks full-time in over 300 shows per year in the Dallas area. We perform many shows in nursing homes so our song list suits an older crowd. Presently, we are looking to expand our list to encompass top 40, country, 80’s and rock. Our shows include comedy, dancing and a lot of fun. I understand that some of the cruise lines lean more to our present demographic. We want to make sure our promotional materials have all the necessary elements for the cruise lines to choose us.

    We are prepared to to spend as long as six months per cruise in 2018 as long as we have a room together. LOL Please send the financial at your earliest convenience.

    James and Yvette

  79. Dear sir.

    My name is Fumio Inagaki aka Fumio.
    I am a Japanese comedy magician. I moved from Japan to the U.S. (Odessa,Texas) in 1970. I have a Permanent residence visa.
    I have been performing in the U.S. and Japan for the last 30 years. I have won the Texas Association of Magicians annual contest 7 times and also have performed at the Magic Castle in Hollywood, Cal. I have performed on 3 different Japanese cruise lines as well. Please see my video on YouTube: fumiomagic.

    At this time I’d like to introduce myself and I hope I’ll be able to work with you soon.
    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Fumio Inagaki
    (432) 248-1009
    6118 Denis Ln
    Odessa,Texas 79762

  80. Hello. I do table hopping close-up magic. I am fluent in French and in English. I can say “Hello” in more than 30 different languages.
    I was a five stars hotel security director.
    I am also a First aid instructor.
    Have a good day.

  81. Hi there,
    I enjoyed the webinar yesterday. I am not ready to take the course yet, but wondered do you or especially Bobbie ever do any one-on-one coaching/consultations? I am a singer and have worked in hotels and corporate, as well as toured a couple of themed shows, mostly in school settings. I have some ideas for a show that could work for cruise ships but I feel like I have a long way to go to have something ready before I think about approaching agents etc. Would love to be able to get some advice to get started or pointed to the right people that could help me. Thanks!

  82. Hi I am African Acrobat gymnast from Kenya country, my group is six I do gymnast blasing, & limbo show & ropesikiping& pole show,Thanks

  83. I am stand up comedian specialty artist for over 40 yrs family and adult entertainment 225 4256022 worked carnival holland American royal Caribbean . I am my own agent Thanks Rocky Boudreaux Boudreaux stage name for 50Plus years If I cannot make you your either deaf or your laughers broke

  84. I’m 43 and just now getting my feet wet so to speak as an adult stand up comedy. With my father recently passing who is credited for inspiring me to do this, I began to sit down at my laptop and start writing bits…then I couldn’t stop writing bits…in fact I’m writing a bit as I’m typing this at the same time (and they say men can’t multitask). But I digress, this is really an opportunity that I can show my father who’s looking down on me from above that I can and will do this no matter what it takes.

  85. Hi! I’m a family magician/ventriloquist. I’ve been performing for 52 years at fairs, festivals, schools, fundraisers, and trains. I plan to retire from my day job in two years and would love to perform on cruise ships, full time if possible. I’m looking for information on how to book cruises and am willing to start now so I can be sailing in the next. Couple of years. Any help you can offer on the booking part would be wonderful.

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